Producing a Child Complete Report - Head Start Report |
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Produce a report that includes a brief narrative and table of scores. The narrative explains the purpose of the test and what it measures; includes behavioral observations (if provided by the examiner); and describes the Head Start requirement, percentage of Head Start items mastered or emerging, future learning objectives, and the Head Start Outcomes Framework. Depending on the scoring options you select, the table of scores can report raw scores, age equivalents (AE), percentile ranks (PR), standard scores (SS), change-sensitive scores, T scores, z scores, and normal curve equivalents (NCE). Test validity statements (if entered by the examiner) are included as well as item detail information with domain/subdomain, item stem, number of points received, and item level notes (if entered by the examiner). The report also provides basic or extended descriptions of the assessed domains. This report can be previewed, printed, or saved as a file.
1. To produce a Head Start Report, choose Reports > Child Reports.
2. When the Child–Search and Manage page opens, use the Search features to locate the child record. Click
3. The Select Report Type page opens. From the Child Complete list, select Head Start Report and click
4. When the Head Start Report criteria page opens, select the assessment date. Indicate whether you want to include item level notes in the report.
5. Click